Thanks much for the information you provided. I am attempting to try and find as many individuals as possible who has this turntable. I do have the Original Rock Table and it is a fabulous machine. Once I get settled in my new home I will be using this turntable with Audio Research pre and amplifier as well as a set of Magnapan 1.6 speakers. I am still looking at cartridges and will make up my mind soon. Again sir, thanks so much for taking the time to communicate your experiences with this find turntable.
Thanks much for the information you provided. I am attempting to try and find as many individuals as possible who has this turntable. I do have the Original Rock Table and it is a fabulous machine. Once I get settled in my new home I will be using this turntable with Audio Research pre and amplifier as well as a set of Magnapan 1.6 speakers. I am still looking at cartridges and will make up my mind soon. Again sir, thanks so much for taking the time to communicate your experiences with this find turntable.