Elite Preamps--Electon Images, Messenger, Tube Res

In my research for a hi-end tube preamp I came across some lesser known (to me anyway) elite preamps. Does anyone know anything about the following companies (e.g. years in service, reputation, Website, etc.) or where I can find info on their line of preamps:
* Electron Images (made in Canada by former Sonic Frontiers design guru I think)
* The Messenger
* Tube Research Labs (their website needs some work)

Thanks in advance.


Showing 3 responses by kevinzoe

Thanks Albert & Brian for your responses.
Albert - "stunning offerings from well known companies with excellent customer service" are all buying criteria for me so that buyer risk is reduced and when it comes time to sell the piece it can be done so without too much hastle. Budget is around $5K, preferably used gear. What brands/models did you have in mind?

Brian - I need a line stage only and with short cable runs expect that single-ended will suffice. With regards to my system, just bought the VTL ST-150 amp and will buy now a tube preamp to replace a very old Sherwood receiver (gasp!) and will replace my KEF Ref Series 104/2 speakers with MartinLogan Aeion i's I expect. Do you think this will be in keeping a balance of my system?

Thanks for your feedback.

Nicky -- thanks for your thoughts. Do you know where I can find info on the Messenger (e.g. website, reviews etc.)?

canook@aol.com -- nice sense of humour.

Mes -- thanks for the update on the Messenger preamp. Thanks too for the EMM Labs heads-up but as it's for 6-channel and that isn't my need at the moment I'll forgoe this and look instead at preamps from Aesthetix Calypso, First Sound Presence Deluxe, Joule LA-150, and the Herron. Your choice from this list?!?

Brooksl -- thanks for the note on First Sound. I've heard many good things about the company and the man behind the company. Just wish there was a remote control for wife acceptace factor! My only concern is the large output impendance of 1700 ohms from the First Sound preamp -- does this pose a problem with the 100K ohm input of your VTL amp?