Element vs. Signal vs. ???

For no reason other than experimentation and the need for bi-wired cables to replace cheap stock jumper plates, I want to change my speaker cables and interconnects. My system is:

Von Schweikert VR-2s
Roksan Kandy KC 1 CD Player
Blue Circle CS Integrated
12ft Straightwire Stage Speaker Cable
3ft Mas Grey Silver Interconnects

I have seen very good reviews for Signal cable, anti-cables (P. Speltz) and more recently Element cables. I'm willing to spend up to $400 for the Speaker cables and $150 for interconnects. Any recommendations? Should I go with silver throughout? VS recommend silver speaker cables, but I'd like to know your recommendations or experiences with similar budgets and equipment as mine.

Thanks for your help,

Showing 2 responses by huggerray

Signal cable silver resolution has done wonders for my system - I heartily recommend them to anyone using a SS system -I also replaced much higher-priced cabling with these and will not be changing these for others...PS Their customer service is outstanding - Talk to Frank(at signal cable) and he will help answer all your questions
BC- Please talk with Frank at Signal cable -he will happily answer all of your questions -You can choose either configuration on your bi-wiring -I would replace powercords if your cdp has a cheap cord- I dont know about element (Ive heard theyre good) but I do know (as well as hundreds of people here on the gon) that the Signal Silver Resolution line is about as good a value as you can get-They really sound excellent - borrow a high priced IC from a friend and do a comparison between the two -chances are you would unload the high-priced model and put the savings where it can be heard - such as better equipment-MHO