Anyone here familiar with this integrated?


We were electrocompaniet dealers we have the very similar ec 6s model still.on the floor 



Dave and Troy



Thanks for the link. Watching that video is what originally piqued my interest. However, he is never enthusiastic about anything for very long before declaring, with great fanfare, that something else is "the best". I started the thread to see if I could get any other impressions.

They get great reviews in Scandinavia, it’s a well liked brand, although the prices has risen quite a bit lately.

WaYYY back when,I had an ECI3 driving Monitor Audio RS1's & it was quite pleasing but when I changed speakers to Sonus Faber it was far to dark sounding,almost veiled...You will notice Huff is using mostly Triangle speakers with the ECI6...I suspect with the right speakers the Electrocompaniet is beautifully musical but probably not so much with already warmish speakers...IMO the SimAudio 340i is a better all arounder,with a better Warranty & better North American support system for about the same $...

Post removed 

It is supposed to be VERY good..I would disagree with earlier posts and say this unit is better than the Sim Audio, which is old tech now with their new north series.