Electrocompaniet ECI 3 vs. McIntosh MA-2275

Last week I asked for advice regarding the coupling of my Triangle Celius speakers with a new integrated amplifier. I was recommended to get a McIntosh MA-2275. A friend of mine recently recommended that I look into the Electrocompaniet ECI 3 or ECI 5. What do you think? Which one would you recommend? More broadly, in the $3K to $6K price range is there any other integrated you would recomment? Thanks.
Thanks for the suggestions. So, between the two i'll definitely go with the Mac. I am also looking into the Musiklab...not very popular in the US, but the reviews look terrific. And they are designing their first integrated.
Both are nice integrateds (I have owned the ECI-3) on the laid back side of Solid State but I would suggest looking for a Tube Integrated Amp like the McIntosh, Cary, or VAC..

Triangle Speakers Like Tubes...

Good Luck,

Haven't heard the Mac so I can't comment on it. I own the ECI-3 and it's nice for jazz & accoustic music...a very smooth amplifier. Nice fleshed out midrange but not overly extended in the highs. It really didn't fit my tastes however so my B-60 is back in the system and the ECI-3 is on a shelf (until I get off my a** and sell it)...it sure does look nice however in an "industrial art" sort of way.

The ECI-3 is worth $800+/- in the used market so they are a good bargain and from what I have read here, the company is alive and well or so to speak.

I'd still check out the MA-2275 however.

Just my 2c...YMMV