Well said. Yours is the first I have seen of anyone objectively analyzing this down to the level of being able to detect devices on a circuit. Makes total sense.
Probably many different things are going on all at once. AC current starts to flow, but being audio never in a continuous steady flow, so it hits any connection or device there is an impedance shift and a wave reflects back. That is just one. Then the device whether it be brushes on a stator like your air conditioner pumps or diode switching in a component it probably emits another different wave going back into the line.
All kinds of things like this. As you say it is one thing to detect and prevent a failure, quite another to listen and analyze in order to determine which of these various noise sources does what in terms of sound quality. Then maybe we find out one sort of noise flattens the sound stage. Just guessing here, a total for instance, but if we knew that then maybe we could design something tailored or focused to do that.
To think of just one possible application.
Great stuff. If you knew the stuff some of us are using, I could hook you up with someone you could really do some great work with. Seriously.
Probably many different things are going on all at once. AC current starts to flow, but being audio never in a continuous steady flow, so it hits any connection or device there is an impedance shift and a wave reflects back. That is just one. Then the device whether it be brushes on a stator like your air conditioner pumps or diode switching in a component it probably emits another different wave going back into the line.
All kinds of things like this. As you say it is one thing to detect and prevent a failure, quite another to listen and analyze in order to determine which of these various noise sources does what in terms of sound quality. Then maybe we find out one sort of noise flattens the sound stage. Just guessing here, a total for instance, but if we knew that then maybe we could design something tailored or focused to do that.
To think of just one possible application.
Great stuff. If you knew the stuff some of us are using, I could hook you up with someone you could really do some great work with. Seriously.