Electraglide Epiphany vs Kubala-Ssna vs....

I'm a big fan of the electraglide epiphany, and have two of them. I just purchased a set of Nagra VPA tubed monos and will need two more PC's. They will both go into a model 80A3 Isoclean power conditioner.

Obv I am partial to the EG's but i want to keep an open mind. The isoclean SuperFocus is also quite nice - maybe a bit more musical than the ultra-transparent epiphany.

I am very interested in hearing what your experience with the Kubala vs the epiphany - and no conversation about PC's would be complete without adding Purist and Elrod, so comparisons between them and the epiphany woudl also be welcome.

THANKS in advance - Art

Showing 1 response by cuttingedge168c60f

There's so much talk about Epiphany X vs. the Kubala Emotion vs. the Purist Dominus power cords. Has anyone compared the Kubala Sosna Emotion power cord against the Harmonix XDC Studio Master? Or any of the above vs. the XDC Studio Master? How do they compare?
