Electraglide Epiphany vs Kubala-Ssna vs....

I'm a big fan of the electraglide epiphany, and have two of them. I just purchased a set of Nagra VPA tubed monos and will need two more PC's. They will both go into a model 80A3 Isoclean power conditioner.

Obv I am partial to the EG's but i want to keep an open mind. The isoclean SuperFocus is also quite nice - maybe a bit more musical than the ultra-transparent epiphany.

I am very interested in hearing what your experience with the Kubala vs the epiphany - and no conversation about PC's would be complete without adding Purist and Elrod, so comparisons between them and the epiphany woudl also be welcome.

THANKS in advance - Art

Showing 1 response by bill46ff

Hello Artg and JD,

I'd like to send you our Dynamic Design Platinum power cords for consideration in your shootout, they cost $1600/6 ft. They are fully broken in and ready to go. please e-mail me at bill@dynamicdesignav.com with your information and needs. You can find some information on these award winning cords at www.dynamicdesignav.com.

Bill Artope