Electraglide Epiphany vs Kubala-Ssna vs....

I'm a big fan of the electraglide epiphany, and have two of them. I just purchased a set of Nagra VPA tubed monos and will need two more PC's. They will both go into a model 80A3 Isoclean power conditioner.

Obv I am partial to the EG's but i want to keep an open mind. The isoclean SuperFocus is also quite nice - maybe a bit more musical than the ultra-transparent epiphany.

I am very interested in hearing what your experience with the Kubala vs the epiphany - and no conversation about PC's would be complete without adding Purist and Elrod, so comparisons between them and the epiphany woudl also be welcome.

THANKS in advance - Art

Showing 10 responses by artg

JD - looking forward to doing exactly what you're proposing! Even the timing is good as Im away all next week. Art
Just received my Isoclean Super Focus Power cord, which is amazing, and it will be added to the face-off with Elrod, Kubala, and the Electraglide epiphany at JD's.

I am very much looking to this!
In defense of the isolean, it is very much system dependent. I find it more full bodied than the epiphany. Smoother and warmer, but i dont think its agressive at all - quite the opposite, it is a tad laid back next to the epiphany.

It all depend on what you find important, or rather what your component/system needs more of. I personally would not want a 100% epiphany or a 100% isoclean power cord in my system, which is why I have both.

I have never heard the K-S power cord in my system, but I did hear the interconnects and speaker cables (JD brought them over), and they were not to my liking all, so maybe it will be different for the power cord. I would agree in John's system the K-S was a better match than the Isoclean. Of course this reinfoces the obvious fact: everything is system and ear dependent, baby!

Round two is at JD's house, then round 3 will be at my place. More fun to come...

Nice write-up JD, but you got it wrong, we are both John's cronies, not visa versa!
Sirspeedy. We all agree the list pricing on the EG cords is down-right silly, since NOBODY pays more than $1100 for these. I would also agree that the EG is better suited for some applications than others. It is very fast and open, but in some systems, it might be sterile, and that's what you found. Thats has not been my experience, but I think if I had ALL EG's it might be too much of a good thing. I have some EG, some Isoclean in my system, but am still experimenting.

BTW, i did receive a new epiphany X which is better than the regular epiphany. It adds body, bass and is still very open and extended. Really superb. I've tried it on all my components, and in every single instance (to line conditioner, amps, preamp, digital), it bettered the regular epiphany. It was smoother and more musical, and still fast open, and dynamic. Bass much tighter as well.

Anyway, the power cord rolling is on. It still boggles the mind that they would make such a difference, but time after time, the ears tell the truth.
Sispeedy. I am a restless soul, and found I could not tame the residual glare and harndess of the Berning, so I spent some time reading, and found that the Verity people (who make my speaker) use the Nagra VPA's to show off this speaker. I already had (and loved the little Nagra PLL), so it was worht a shot. The glare is gone, I love the VPA's in my system.

Finally, I got a good deal on both the sale of my AA and the acquisition of the Reimyo, so again I went for it.
I now own two of his (Kubala) power cords, which I use in conjunction with electraglide epiphany X. Good stuff indeed. I will probably try the IC's at some point, but am pleased with the stereovox IC/speaker cables, so 'why fix it if it aint broke.'
Wrong JD, the cables sounded plain old 'crappy' when I tried them. In my all-tubed system, it was too laid back, too rolled off, too compressed. Im not buying the 'our ears are conditioned to think' nonsense either, sorry dude.

Now, it may be that this was a matter of the cables being damaged, and I would be happy to try them again, but as of today, I am not jumping on the K-S interconnect/speaker cable band wagon. OTOH, I freely admit I really like the power cord.

Understanding that I also once had all Valhalla cabling, and MUCH preferred the stereovox cables, so it's not like where I am coming from is shabby, mind you.

To the extent we can believe the audio press, reviewers gave it a 99 (out of possible 100) for tonality, and 100 for noise see here:


Anyway, I'm making the point that for me, round one was a no contest: the stereovox cleanly trounced the K-S. Again, I referring to the IC/speaker cables, not the power cord, which i like quite a bit.

Sounds like round two is in order!