I had a pair of towers sitting in a closet I wanted to sell or try to make them sound better. I sent Danny the crossover and he sent me Sonicaps, Mills, wire and inductors. It did improve the speaker. Though I did end up removing the sonicaps in the tweeter section and put in Clarity Cap CMR’s and Path resistors. That was a large improvement over the sonicap but at a much higher cost but well worth it. Much more clarity and refined no regrets on that one.
You may want to do a little research on tube connectors. I read some people have had issues with them coming unplugged. I was scared to blow my amp which has happened before but with banana plugs coming loose. I almost tried the tube connectors to replace some Cardas copper post thinking maybe all that copper maybe over kill. I ended up soldering my speaker wire to bare wire coming out of crossover but my crossover is external so easy accces.