EL 34 question

I have a VAC PA 35.35 EL 34 push-pull amp, that has had factory upgrades. I was quite happy with it, until I started using a modified SET 300B amp, which has blown the VAC completely out of the water.

I am actually giving thought to selling it, but decided to see if tube rolling might bring it closer in performance to the SET amp.

I have two sets of output tubes that are used, a matched quad of reissue Genelex KT 77, and a matched quad of reissued Mullard EL 34's.

The small tubes are NOS Telefunken 12AU7 and 12AT7, all aound three years in use.

I'm just hoping I can get some insight as to whether better performance can be gleaned from this old amp.

My experience with tubes is recent, lots I don't know, so any old salts that care to help with suggestions would be great.

By the way, the speakers are 94db sensitive custom Tannoy HPD's.

Best regards,
Ag insider logo xs@2xislandmandan

Showing 1 response by onemug

>>>I like having an alternative to turn to, for variation, and for back-up<<<

We share similar tastes. 300b SET's have been at the top of my list of favorite amps for many years now...and... I use a Marantz 8b (pp el34) in a separate vintage system (with a 7c and 10b) and can listen all day to it. It has some of that "dark matter" magic stuff that does that kind of thing that is hard to describe or measure...it just sounds great.

It is nice to have an "alternative". Looks like you have some tubes on the way but will mention that I have liked the SED winged C and Siemens el34 tubes in the 8b.

If you can't find the magic with the VAC, you could try the pp 300b route. I have one and it works for me. It has that kick that pp has and with the 300b tone.