Efficient Speakers with SS Powered Subwoofers for SET amps?

Been loving my Martin Logan Expression 13a but I need my tubes back. Been enjoying low powered SET amps again and would love to use them in my primary setup. Currently running a Woo Audio WA5 that is doubling as my headphone rig. Will probably end up with something else in the near future. 

Trouble is I'm having a tough time getting off the powerful authoritative bass coming from the Martin Logans and their 300 watt class D 10 inch woofers. I've seen the Zu Audio definition's with their powered woofers but I'd like to spend less. Ideally under 10k. Looking to run the tubes for all the mids and highs with solid state running the lows. 

I realize I could simply run a separate dedicated sub but an all in one package is more appealing and space is a concern.

Can you guys make any recommendations?


Showing 3 responses by charles1dad

Voxativ offers the Zeth B and the 9.87 system which both include a powdered subwoofer. I’m quite certain that these are more expensive than the Rethm alternatives.

If I weren’t so happy with my current system I would acquire the LM 508ia (or a used Viva Solista) and Tekton Double Impact SE and not look back.
Hi chrisallen,
Good idea regarding the LM 518ia. I would give serious consideration to the LM 508ia amplifier. For not much more money it is a 48 Watt SET so operation is pure class A (as are all SETs). What’s very unique is it uses the 300b as the driver tube which is a DHT (Directly heated triode) for the 805 output tube. So you have a DHT driving a DHT. Owners of this amplifier who have posted on this site say the sound quality is simply superb. The 508ia is said to be a step above the already very good sounding 518ia which is 845 output tube driven by 6L6/6V6/el34 or KT 88 tubes. The 508ia is sonically comparable to the higher cost 219ia which also has 300b driver tube for an 845 output tube. 
Two brands that come to mind are
Rethm Audio
Vaughn Loudspeakers 
Both are highly regarded brands and offer a variety of models.