Efficient 2 way bookshelf/monitors under 2k

Currently I have a Decware SET integrated running a VPI Prime, Parasound JC3+, Nagaoka MP200 cart, through  a pair of Klipsch RB5 II’s. Before you snicker at the Klipsch, they sound wonderful. Not as exact as my Thiel CS2.4’s, but wonderful none the less. I hooked these speakers up after years of just lying around, just out of curiosity and they astounded me. So natural. 

So so it got me thinking, what 2 way speaker would’ve be a good match for a 6 watt SET integrated.  I’d like something with 92db efficiency +/- and cost around $2k +/-.


Showing 2 responses by mapman

The Fritz's really befudddled me.   I didn't expect that bass extension and volume with only 8 watts.   Very impressive!    
The Fritz Carrera 7BE speakers at Capital Audiofest sounded terrific off a 8 watt tube amp. I would strongly consider these. Only 87db efficient but very easy to drive. I was very impressed! Show price of $2500 a pair still offered I believe. Klipsch Heresy III another strong competitor that are truly high efficiency.