Education: Best place for Audio Engineering?

I'm currecntly an undergrad student at the University of Kentucky with a amjor of electrical engineering (and minors in
mechanical engineering and math). I'm very interested in audio
engineering-particularly speaker design- and it has been my goal all along to do graduate work in the audio engineering field. However, I can't really find universities offering programs in the field. There are a great number of professionals in the audio engineering field, and surely these professionals are receiving some type of specialized education
in the field. I'm just wondering, is there some sort of educational haven for audio engineering that I'm just not aware of? Or do people simply do things like interships with corporations? I simply have no idea where to start!

Thanks for your input,

Nicholas Jackson

Showing 1 response by aball

Howard has a good point. There probably are very few schools that specialize in speaker design and so the best may be to learn-it-on-the-fly. That is how it seems to work very often these days. However, a graduate degree is useful for this up and coming generation, or so I am told by oldtimers at electrical engineering symposiums I attend.

We have at Virginia Tech a pretty good physics lab that I know has a state-of-the-art anechoic chamber but I don't think they do any speaker work - mostly RF. I am an EE/ME as well, currently researching nonlinear DC-DC converter circuits. I am thinking of building my own switching amp to satisfy my "doing the hobby" desires.

Duke is quite right though: do something you love at any rate.
