Edge G3 Integrated vs Plinius 8200

I currently own a Plinius 8200 matched with Totem Forests
and an Ayre Cx7. This Edge product has me curious. Would it be an upgrade in my system? I do like the Plinius, but I am curious.

Saw your thread re Edge G3 vs Plinius. Couple years ago.

Turns out I have both, a 8200 MkII and a G4 amp.

How do you think the G4 would do with Merlin monitors (TSM-MMe)? I might try to find a good tube pre (like a Joule) to drive the G4. Would the Edge be transparent enough?

The Merlins sound good with the Plinius, but would like thrm to sound great.

Golfrock, The Totems and the Ayre could use more, but I think the Edge would be a move sideways. What is your cable situation? I forget, can you go low level out of the 8200 to an amp? Find a Plinius amp and stay happy until a pre shows up, then be happier.