Earliest "MOST WANTED" gear

OK, some of us have been on this merry go round longer than others. I checked in in 1976, age 16. Typical teenagers, I wanted a turntable, receiver and speakers. A tape deck down the road and a decent used car once I got a license.

I envisioned my 1st system- a Dual turntable with a Shure cartridge, AR bookshelf speakers, and as for a receiver, I liked Tandberg and Marantz. Predictably, my 1st system did not look like that at all, though over the years out of a fit of nostalgia I have owned all of that stuff, even if for under a year (and then sold it to another person trying to satisfy earlier desires). Well, at least I envisioned a Teac tape deck and that's what I eventually bought.

What was the "system of your dreams" before you dipped your toes into the water?

Showing 2 responses by mapman

YEah, the Krell/Logan setup in my local Tweeter back then was quite the combo bound to make an impression.