Ear protection for concerts

I am going to see the Cowboy Junkies in a few weeks – can’t wait. Every time I see a concert my ears ring for days (and I’m sure I’m losing some hearing as well). I typically bring those cheap foam earplugs and tissue as a fall back. The earplugs sound terrible and I usually do not use them unless the volume is at “11”. I sometimes end up with tissue in my ears trying to tame the volume levels, the bad mix, and keep it listenable. Does anyone have any suggestions on audiophile or musicians earplugs at a reasonable price (nothing custom)?

Showing 1 response by jax2

I've seen the Cowboy Junkies a couple of times. Not likely they'll require the protection you are anticipating needing. I know what you fear though. I once saw Beck, who's music I enjoy. That concert was amplified so loud I could barely understand a word of what he sang (solo), and had to leave midway through the concert as it was so disturbing to my ears. I don't think earplugs would have helped and if I had to wear them I don't think I would have wanted to go in the first place. That's like playing your stereo at ear bleed levels while wearing ear plugs to protect your ears - why bother? That said, I wear audiologist made earplugs for riding motorcycles. Very effective. I would not ride without them. Those are for maximum sound reduction, but they can be designed for varying levels of reduction and they form fit inside your own canals. Short of that I'd go the Etymotic route that has already been mentioned more than once.