Ear Plug/Hearing Protection Poll

When do you wear 'em, if at all?
What do you think about the noisy world we live in?
Is one kind better than others?
NYC residents - do you wear them on the train.

I wear earplugs quite alot. Mowing the lawn, riding the subway in NYC, flying in planes.

Showing 1 response by mlg

I use them also. I used to play in rock and roll bands in high school and college so I may have a slight hearing deficit already. I recently moved to a new, smaller audio room and used the opportunity to revise my system to achieve good sound at lower levels. I used to use Magnepan Tympani's which need high volume to come alive. Now, in order to stop punishing my ears, I changed to high sensitivity speakers and SET's which sound good at much lower volume.
It is a real relief to know that my favorite listening pastime won't damage my hearing!