Ear Candy: Most startling recordings.

OK, we all respect great musical talent and muscianship, but sometimes you put in a CD and you get one of those startling zany recordings that make you smile it is so strange. Some of Neil Young's stuff is kind of like that. Alot of Pink Floyd is like this. Sounds racing across the sounds stage, shifting mike position in mid recording. What are your favorite "ear candy" recordings?

Showing 1 response by fiddler

Serebrier conducts Serebrier. A very unusual and sometimes weird classical CD, but....

the drum solo on track 4 is unlike anything I have ever heard on a classical recording. It will wake the dead. Not just your typical big orchestral dynamics with the usual typanis, but rather it sounds like a lost rock drummer wandered into an orchestra and found a drum set on "steroids". These 20 seconds are worth the price of the CD.

A classical recording from Reference Recordings.