EAR Acute Classic - has anyone heard or tried it

EAR just released a new cd/dac single unit: the EAR Acute Classic  http://www.earyoshino.com/Acute-CD-Player/

Has anyone heard it or tried it?  I previously had the EAR Acute 3 but sold it a few months ago.  I really loved it but thought the DAC portion could have been better, but it was a little dated (came out about 5 years ago).  I'm really interested in this unit and would appreciate if anyone can offer any feedback on it.  I don't have a local dealer near me so am reaching out to others who may have more experience with it.

Showing 2 responses by chayro

As long as we're all guessing here, I would say that if you weren't satisfied with the Acute 3, I would pass on this as well if you can't audition.  Given the price point, I would be very surprised if this were a significant improvement over the 3.  
How has DAC technology changed "drastically" over the past few years?  It looks pretty much the same to me.