Yes, it is in the household cleaner section. It used to come in white only and they are plentiful. However, they have a new one with a blue layer on one side that contains some type of cleaner booster. You DO NOT want to use the blue side. Use the WHITE side only. I cut a sugarcube sized piece and put a toothpick into it and use it that way. I gently push the stylus into the cube (not very deep)and jiggle very carefully. Needless to say, Do not move opposite of record travel direction. Others have glued a piece onto a coin US Quarter and put it on the tt platter. Then, they use the cuing device to lower the stylus onto the white Mr. clean piece a couple of times. If you go to their website, they will mail you a package free. I was in a hurry though and bought mine at a store. There's a lot of threads about it on AA. Good Luck.
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