Dynavector DV-10x5 repair?

An older tube phono recently took itself out fairly spectacularly along with my Dynavector DV-10x5.
Using a known good phono preamp the cart plays in mono but the left channel is out in stereo. Tonearm wire continuity checks out OK.
I lack knowledge to do with workings of carts. Is there a cartridge repair provider that could reasonably repair it? Would I be better off to replace it? I have not contacted Dynavector.
Thank you.

Showing 2 responses by mattmiller

Soundsmith is the place they rebuild these cartridges all day, not sure how much it costs though. GL
The Dynavector 10x5 is a really great cartridge, super fun sounding not the last word in detail or refinement but a freaking great cartridge. I would contact Soundsmith I think they can repair. Also, the NEW gen 10X5 is a $750 cartridge the older models back in 2012 sold for $425 new. SO, dont be fooled know which one your buying if used.

Matt M