Dynavector 10X5, 2M Black, Grado Platinum or....?

I'm looking for a cartridge recommendation for my Pro-ject 1 Xpression III turntable (Carbon 8.6 tonearm) either MM or MC. A friend works for a distributor of Ortofon and Grado so I could get a discount on these, but ultimatley I want the best cart for my tonearm. I listen to hard rock, blues and jazz, I need good bass, warm detailed mids, detailed highs and a good sound stage. I just purchased the optional counterweight so my options are plentiful. My front runners are;

Ortofon 2M Black
Dynavector 10x5
Grado Gold
Grado Platinum

I would very much appreciate feedback on these or any other cart in the $150 to $500 price range that would work well with my table. Thanks.

Showing 1 response by vinyladdict

If you've got enough $$$ for the 2M Black, get a Dynvector 20XL instead and you'll never look back. I like the Black, but I LOVE the 20XL. My musical tastes are identical to yours - 90% hard rock and jazz.