Dynaudio Special 40's vs Wharfedale Super Lintons

Need some input - Can't find either to Demo - Both  seem to have very good reviews [ generally speaking ] 

My take on the discussions - Dynaudio - High quality build & components , Neutral sounding , may be tricky finding room placement .

Super Lintons - Warmer , not as critical placement . 

My listening sessions tend to start out critical and if music is right goes into relaxed layed back listening .

Equipment - Cronos mag int amp , Exposure 2510 int amp [ current favorite ] due in - exposure 3510 mono blocks .

Speakers -Golden ear BRX , Magnepan LRS+ [ Mono blocks going to power these} 

Room is challenging as basement height just over 7 ft.  room is approx 13ft x 14ft * but open to similar size area on side 

Most often using LP's [ E.A.T Turntable  Ortophon Blue cart]   , Music 75% Jazz , rest is mixed Vocals , Classical , some 70"s Rock 

Seems like the Super Lintons may be safer all around , but the S40's may bring something " Special " to the set up 



Showing 7 responses by mfm22

I seen both  of his reviews  many times lol  .  

I agree , he seems to really favor the Lintons & questions the 40's measurements .

He does state the 40's sound better  than  the measurements indicate .


I already have “power hungry “ speakers in the LRS+
that can be a negative as it really limits amps and that “never knowing “ feeling about the synergy 

Question regarding the Contours 20  vs 20i  difference's ?

what is gained with 20's  from the S40's ?

The room is a challenge Low ceiling & the width bleeds out to the side [ opens to another 12ft ] 

Can't complain too much , it's a dedicated listening area .

I'll check out the Contours ... Looking for a speaker that fills in sonically where the BRX  & LRS+  May be missing .... Better low end [ clean not booming ] & mid lows.

BRX's are a good speaker and work well in that room 

The Special 40'S came up locally & are a good deal under 2k  

The S40”s would be under $1800

Spendor Classic 3/1 look to be very nice fit but $$

even if used 

Any love for Buchardt S400 Mkll ??