Dynaudio - Made in China vs Denmark


    I  recently Purchased a new pair of Dynaudios. The floor model I auditioned were 'Made in Denmark' but the pair which was shipped out by the dealer was 'Made in China'. They are still boxed. Whats should I do:

1. Swap with the showroom floor model (they were probably a yr or 2 old)

2. Unbox and use my 'Made in china' pair ?

My main concern here is the quality of the product from China. Resale values.

Anyone with experience please chime in. 



Nope wrong as usual. Several of those companies have plants in China to make products strictly for domestic consumption. Your liberal anti capitalism brain can’t get past the facts.

For several of those companies there are 93% terrify on their products due to Anti Dumping laws so there is zero cost benefit to manufacturing in China and exporting to the US. 

No hate you are just wrong. Love it when the know it all knows nothing about the subject he posted. 

Have a nice evening.

Looks like jerry's got his wires crossed, as usual. Those companies listed have American products sold here, made there. And yes, there is an audience of buyers there as well.

jerry, that is a very long list of companies that only represents about 1% of American companies doing business (having factories there for our consumption). If you had simply read the header (the stuff before the list) you’d see that these companies produce there for consumption, here. That's the reason for the list.

They are fully capable of running parallel lines of products and use pre made labeling for intended markets. It’s common practice.

Half of all industrial goods enter out country duty free with an average tariff rate of only 2%. We can charge anywhere from 0% to 550% tariff on goods to discourage dumping practices. It’s just not done that much since it’s relatively easy to know if a country is selling it’s products here for less than they charge for their own market.

What you don’t seem to grasp is that it is American companies using Chinese labor and lax pollution standards to make products for our use. You really need to lose the red, white and blue colored glasses.

All the best,

Supply chain issue is not nesscessily a quality issue but cost-issue.

reason why you receive a Made in China pair of speaker while you are still asking for a made in denmark thing? 

why you receive not a made in denmark thing? obviously that your cash paid is not enough for a made in denmark. but deep in your heart you are longing for a demmark thing?

so why not return your pair and pay more for the real made in denmark thing? but before you return, ask your self, did your dealer promise your product is made in danish?


by the way, as in previous post, one day when you find your denmark brand speaker come from vienam or india, then you will miss MIC made in China. 

China makes great things now and look around your life, it is not that Made in China not good. but that your buy cheaper Made in China thing and it look so not good.


pay more to test some very high end of China things before you buy made in india or made in cambolia. 

this is in a very not short years. 

Not true nonoise. But then again if it is on the internet it is true. Go ahead and believe that.


So it's the old "fake news" argument, jerry? If it doesn't conform with your "alternative facts" world, then just dismiss it? 

Darn it! I forgot I was talking to a cultist.

All the best,