Dynaudio - Made in China vs Denmark


    I  recently Purchased a new pair of Dynaudios. The floor model I auditioned were 'Made in Denmark' but the pair which was shipped out by the dealer was 'Made in China'. They are still boxed. Whats should I do:

1. Swap with the showroom floor model (they were probably a yr or 2 old)

2. Unbox and use my 'Made in china' pair ?

My main concern here is the quality of the product from China. Resale values.

Anyone with experience please chime in. 



Showing 1 response by moonwatcher

GoerTek – a consumer electronics company based in China – has announced it has acquired the majority of shares in Dynaudio (in 2014), the high-end speaker manufacturer founded in 1977. THEY OWN Dynaudio. Maybe they should change the name to "Chinaudio" but of course they won’t as long as they can continue to trade on the popularity of the original brand name. This happens (and has) to many once great companies.

That they choose to manufacture in cheaper communist China is their decision to help THEIR bottom line, and so they can compete with all the other companies making $500 to $5000 speakers there.

Are they upholding the original quality? Maybe, maybe not. Heck, it might be BETTER.

I note that more than one consumer has had issues with woofers rattling on Dali (Danish Audio) Oberon 9 speakers ($1250 each) that were made in communist China. This has given me pause about buying them for sure.

If it bothers you, send them back, get a refund, and see what else is out there.

If it bothers you now, it will forever bother you, and be a lingering, festering issue, no matter how "good" you think they sound.

Or you could print out some "Made in Denmark" stickers and put them over the "Made in China" ones and call it a day.