Dynaudio, Harbeth, Penaudio or Sonus Faber

I would very much appreciate input on the following possible systems. My room is 12 by 20 by 8and 1/2. Though I listen to a wide range of music, I listen more to jazz and vocal music than anything else. I'm looking to buy an entire system that would be very musical. I'm considering the following, Dynaudio Confidence C1, Harbeth M30, Penaudio Cenya and Sonus Faber Cremona Auditor M. For amplification, Naim separates, an LFD integrated or Ayre Integrated. For CD player, Naim or Ayer. Or possibly Oppo in its non modified form or as modified by Modwright.
Any thoughts?

Showing 1 response by goose

I have listened to the Harbeth 30's at friends house who is very picky regarding sound. He listens mostly to classical, jazz and vocal. I thought they sounded very musical and smooth. He was using a small subwoofer from Linn I believe and it blended very well with the system. He tried many amps with these speakers and finally settled for an older Rowland integrated 150 watt per channel amp. The treble many not be as extended as some others, but that didn't bother me. I haven't used the Oppo but an very happy with the Modwright products since I have Dan's Sony 5400 modified player. At this point I have no desire to change my digital source.