Dynaudio Contour 30 vs Confidence C2 comparisons

Hey all, first time poster long time browser.

I currently own Dynaudio C1 platinum for the L/R fronts (midsized room), and I'm looking to get a bit fuller sound top to bottom from the larger floor standing models... ie the C2 or Contour 30. I have no means to audition either, but I know I absolutely love my C1s. Just interested in any opinions from people that have heard either/both of these models. I THINK I know what to expect with the C2, but with the contour line being remade and bumped up in price has me intrigued. I absolutely love the clean looks of the Contour 30, but I worry I'd be taking a step back from Confidence. I also have been hearing murmuring of an updated confidence line, which I'm sure (if indeed that is the case) will be priced even higher, way out of my budget.

ANY honest opinions (or facts for that matter) are welcomed and thanks in advance!


Showing 1 response by audioman58

The new series is the 30 and 60 I  which is a major improvement in many ways from cabinet design to new isotar2 tweeter , even he Xovers totally beefed up bigger inductors ,Mundorf plus other capacitirs, better wiring looks like vandanhull

and the drivers are all improved the 30 i is a great speaker 

the 60i is even bigger and has a dedicated midrange which makes it slighly better still I can get the60l for around $10500 delivered 

it’s a great speaker and I feel will go toe to toe with any speaker up to $20 k just reading up on all that goes into judt the cabinet 

I have the older Contour S3.4 , with a Reference Xover over $1300 spent judt in the rewiring and Xover ,over $2k with friends labor for my total investment of $4300 

it’s a fantastic sounding speaker easily put up against any brand in the $8 k range.