The new series is the 30 and 60 I which is a major improvement in many ways from cabinet design to new isotar2 tweeter , even he Xovers totally beefed up bigger inductors ,Mundorf plus other capacitirs, better wiring looks like vandanhull
and the drivers are all improved the 30 i is a great speaker
the 60i is even bigger and has a dedicated midrange which makes it slighly better still I can get the60l for around $10500 delivered
it’s a great speaker and I feel will go toe to toe with any speaker up to $20 k just reading up on all that goes into judt the cabinet
I have the older Contour S3.4 , with a Reference Xover over $1300 spent judt in the rewiring and Xover ,over $2k with friends labor for my total investment of $4300
it’s a fantastic sounding speaker easily put up against any brand in the $8 k range.