Dynaudio breakin period

How long before a Dynaudio speaker breaks in?

I have some BM6 speakers,they have the "better" tweeter on them,but they seem to lack air a bit,treble extention, compared to some other speakers I have,so I know my system can deliver.

Any thoughts to this?



Showing 4 responses by mcgarick

"are they being used in the recommended 'nearfield' position? "

yes,small livingroom.

I'll run em in some more.

When running these speakers in,how loud does it have to be?

I can run them at low levels 24/7 in my basement, soft background like...

Or,are we taking -ONLY- normal listening levels for break-in?
Quote:"They won't change much but perhaps your hearing will adjust. Sonic memory takes a while for you to adjust to how your favorites (well known tracks) now sound."

I see your point and agree its a factor in some situations.

BUT.....and a big humoungous but..

My Arcam CD192 player took a couple of months to break in and I know it wasnt just my hearing,I almost returned it,I was really bummed,but it did, finally did sound great after two months of use! but I do understand your point. I own different speakers,all good,and it takes me awhile to get used to them again. They all have their specific qualities,and I re-adjust.

Dyn owners and Dynaudio Inc. say you must break-in their products,this was true with the Arcam,so theres merit to this fee-na-mee-nom.

We shall see.

I hope they do break-in and sound totally bitchin.