Dynaco St-70 Upgrade

Who do you recommend to have a Dynaco Stereo 70 refurbished and upgraded? What price should I expect to pay? With modest soldering skills (I've built Marchand X-overs and Dynacos) can I do it myself?
I've done two ST-70s with the Glass Audio upgrades from Joe Curcio, and they are wholly new circuits, using only the transformers and the chassis as a basis for what is essentially a new amp which replaces one of the tubes iwth a solid state section.. Parts cost about $250, but you have to be handy to put it together because you actually have two boards to work with rather than one, and one board is located up in the tube area. If you have a shop do it it'll cost about $600, including the parts. -Jay Woodruff
go to www.avahifi.com If I recall they have a whole upgrade kit that you could do yourself.
Try Sheldon's site - he has some upgrades and you can decide if you have the talent to tackle it yourself. http://www.clarkson.edu/~stokessd/index_frames.html