Dylan wins Nobel Prize in Literature

Awesome.   Best news I've read in a while.

Showing 5 responses by czarivey

4,057 posts
10-13-2016 10:21am
As always the Nobel committee is right on top of it.

Especially when given prize to Yaser Arafat and Baraq Obama...
I see same way Leonard Cohen (also Jewish fella) who often is called by many Canadian Bob Dylan. To me Leonard Cohen is sort-of better 'version' of Bob Dylan.
Serge Gainsbourg is actually more new-wave artist than bard or songwriter.
Wow, I'd give a substantial number of preferences to Johnny Cash vs. Bob in all aspects:
mapman, Nobel prize can be nominated to anyone not only Americans. I believe that Canadian Leonard Cohen also fits in your list.

Leonard Cohen, indeed, needed and deserved it more... Maybe he didn't have to make his tour barely alive...