Dylan s 60th Birthday.

I know there is another thread about Dylan, but, in honor of his birthday, I wanted to once again mention the most influential songwriter of our time. I just listened to "Last Thoughts on Woody Guthrie" from the Bootleg Series. A young Dylan reading a poem in The Town Hall, N.Y., 1963. He was twenty two, and while some of the references are dated, his brilliance and authenticity are timeless.

Showing 1 response by garebear

Dylan is Dylan, if you don't ''get him'' you won't understand him. All I can say, I hope he lives forever, for there is definitely nothing behind him. It is a sad state of affairs when I hear that Eminem ( or whatever he is Marsahll Mathers ) is the voice of the current generation. We are all in trouble, not to mention my future Social Secuity payments. FOREEVER YOUNG BOB !