DVD/Turntable Dilemna

DVD and other video sources share same integrated amp for sound as analog turntable. Need to move Turntable/amp/ approximately 25 linear feet away and into an adjacent room from TV monitor in order to solve combination vibration and furniture placement problem. I'm old school on the matter of speaker cable so I'm fine with long runs of Home Depot's premium gauge or similar but is there a solution here with regard to the video sources' lines to the TV monitor that I'm missing? I'm thinking they're going to have to be prohibitively long for that type of connection unless there's some sort of outside-the-box solution that I'm not aware of.......


Showing 1 response by buconero117

Time to visit Monoprice for a long HDMI cable, very inexpensive. If it does not work, back it goes. The Monoprice quality is exellent and the price will make Kimber look like a bandit.