DVD movies must have

Hi all,

I would like to know what are some DVD movies we all must have in our collection. I am talking about DVDs with excellent picture and sound recording and reference quality. Movies that can give your system a really good work out. Movies that can make your subwoofer crack your concrete floor.

Thanks in advanced!!

Showing 1 response by shiva

Some reference movies in my collection for both video and sound are:
The Lord the Ring series, extended versions.
Blade 2, Some killer bass on this disc.
-From Pixar-THE Incredibles, Toy Story 2 and Nemo. The image is as good as it gets with Pixar + great bass effects. Nemo has bass that drops to 10hz.
-The Matrix series
- House of flying daggers and Jet li's Hero. Both beautifully shot and with some of the best use of surround sound to date.
-The Island
THe Blu-Ray versions if they are available are better still.