DVD-A player - while they still exist

My Denon 2910 is on its last legs. It no longer plays SACDs or CDs. I fear it won't play DVD-As much longer. I also fear DVD-A players will disappear from the market. I only know of two still around - the Ayre universal and the Oppo 95. Even Meridian seems to have given up on the format.
I only have a few DVD-As, but they're important to me. I don't want to lose the ability to listen to them.
So I'm wondering if I should buy a good player while I still can. Maybe one of the last Meridians, used? Or a new Oppo? I'd have to keep it under $4,000, preferably way under $4,000, unless it was also the best CD player I had ever heard.
Any suggestions?

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At your price range you may look at the Mcintosh line as well. I see a new MVP871 new in box listed from time to time here for 2100.00 I think RecycledAudio a memeber sells them.