Dust cover up or down?

Is it better to play albums with dust cover up or down?


Art Dudley was one of the nice guys and a great writer, but an arch-tweaker and inclined to believe the voodoo.

I’ve got a digital VTF scale, and I do have the dust cover from my Victor QL10. It sits on the floor under a table near the QL10, but for me there are other more major reasons why I don’t use dust covers so I won’t be participating. Moreover, it is clear to me that you would have to do something with the dust cover in order to build up a charge on its inner surface. I am not sure what that is, short of rubbing it with a cloth or something of that sort. Anyway, I could not care less. On the other hand I believe those who report a difference. I don’t know how you interpret those posts, but obviously we disagree on how to interpret them. If you would prefer to think the score is nil, then it is nil divided by nil, and we all know what that is.

I have an old SONY PS 7 and in the instruction manual it says close the lid and enjoy the music

If the manufacturer provides a hinged dust cover, they must be saying down when playing. A non-hinged one or one like my Rega P8 is saying off when playing but on when not to keep dust off. Some like the big ones over everything not hinged to be on while playing that don't touch the plinth or base which might be better at eliminating air borne vibrations and accumulating dust while playing, but what a pain moving them on and off when flipping a record - double worse for 45s. Unfortunately in our hobby there is no perfect solution....to anything. Just keep trying to get as close as possible.

My experience is, it all depends.

With my Belt drive Music Hall MMF-5 I had to play a disc with the dust cover off.

With my direct Drive Technics SL 1210 GR it does not matter which way, closed, off, half way open, it's all the same. No effect on the sound.