Duntech Black Knights to Martin Logan Summit X

After hearing the big Duntechs for nearly 7 years, driven by Pass Labs X350, I am start to get the itch for something with better dynamics and more holographic sound stage. Would this be a wise choice?

Appreciate your insight and/or suggestions for an alternative.

Showing 1 response by pryso

Jazzonthehudson, with all due respect to you and your speakers, the Black Knights did not have a good reputation among John Dunlavy's designs. In spite of their competitive pricing (compared to other Duntechs) they were not in production long and John did not introduce a comparable model in his DAL line up when he started that, as he did with other Duntech models.

The Black Knight had a heavy bass emphasis (to my ears and in reports from others) so if you enjoy them I would have doubts that any electrostatic or panel speaker will please you. So much depends on room, budget, associated equipment, and personal taste (for type of music and playback levels and characteristics) but I would suspect you may be better served to look at other dynamic (cone) driver models. Note that I'm not familiar with the Summit X although I am with some other ML, plus Quad, Magnepan, and Acoustat models.

Anyway, good luck.