Badam, The vifa speakers in Dunlavy's can be replaced and closely matched up.. They are several places that sell them in U.S. and are made in Denmark.. Just enter vifa speaker under Yahoo and you will find quite a few.. There is some dealers that could also test them to match very close to any bad or defective woofer you may have in future.. And yes the speakers to sound right do require some room .. They should also be placed at least 3 ft. from back walls.. Mr. Dunlavy said a room of approximately 14x14(15x15) and up for this model.. They will sound even more impressive with more power also, but the Musical Fidelity 3.2's will still sound pretty nice with them.. I have heard these speakers run fine with fairly low amounts of power.. It will not take alot to start driving Dunlavy's , but about 175 to 200 wpc is great.. The B&W will require more power for them to sound really good.. The Musical Fidelity amps would not be a good match for them at all i believe..Like i said before though i think the B&W 803's would be a good match or you could Consider the Dunlavy Athena's or Cantata's which would take up less room then the SC-IVa's..
I don't know your room size , so just trying to cover all possible options with the two types of speakers your interested in..