Dunlavy SC IV A harsh high frequency

I have owned my SC IVA for many years. I replace the blown tweeters at least once a year. I know the original set were carefully matched at the factory but I can not duplicate the tecniques which John used in his shop to optimize response. The speakers sound glassy and I wonder if this is as a result of tweeters I have installed but would have been rejected by John. I have done a lot of work with room treatment,changing source, components, etc...
Are there any recommendations for fixing this issue?
Replace the Vifa tweeters with more expensive ones?
I agree with Rja. Something is definitely not right if you are blowing tweeters at that rate. I have just about every speaker model John ever designed and most of the units have worked perfectly for many years without replacing a thing. I have a special attachment for the SC-IVs. I hope you can find a solution without feeling the need to replace them. I have an HT set up very similar to yours and find the synergy of an all Dunlavy system to be amazing. I am curious about your electronics??
Agree with Rja and Brauser about blowing tweeters; I had Duntech Princesses (another Dunlavy design very similar to the SC IVs) for 12 years and never blew any drivers, and I played them plenty loud. I also would like to know what electronics you're using.
I have blown my woofers through a DC pulse, but never heard of blowing tweeters. Something must be sending a high frequency burst or you have an intermittent short, but I doubt that. You might want to post a question about how your tweeters could be blowing here on Audiogon and get feedback from more than Dunlavy fans.