Dunlavy 4 or 8 ohms for Audio Research VT-100 amp?

I have Dunlavy III speakers, I want to connect the Dunlavy III speakers an Audio Research VT-100 amp but I don't know whether to connect to the 4 ohms or 8 ohms on the back of the amp?

I don't have the book for the Dunlavy so does anyone know whether I should hook it up to the 4 or the 8 ohms? Does it matter? Thanks for your help everyone!

Andy, it won't hurt the amp or the speakers hooking your speakers to either the 4 or 8 ohm tap. Try both and listen for which sounds the best. If the speakers are between 4 and 8 across the frequency range, you may not hear an appreciable difference with the VT100.
I could be wrong but I believe the Dunlavy is 6 ohms (nominal). So where does that leave you? I think Zargon has the correct answer.
I recall reading somewhere, probably a thread here, that for Audio Research amps the 4 ohm taps sound the best so use them if they are close to your speakers impedance. Of course you should try both to see which sounds best, but you won't do any damage using either 4 or 8 ohm taps.
This is one of the easiest tweeks to try, and I would encourage others to experiment as well. It costs you nothing, and could make a dramatic difference in the amps ability to deliver power to the speakers, especially in the low end. Remember the "nominal" impedance may be quite a bit higher than the "lowest" impedance, and unless you have a plot from the manufacturer, it is impossible to know what you are dealing with.

It is interesting to know that Robert Lee of Acoustic Zen has recently developed the "Adagio", a speaker which has an almost totally flat 5 ohm impedance from 100 to 10K Hz. This is very rare in the speaker business.
Thanks all, 4ohms sounds better, not as harsh, buddy let me borrow his AR Ref 75 (with the 150 tubes not the original 120 tubes) I thought it sounded remarkably detailed, was more powerful but too harsh for my ears, for example the drums on Tommy and other Classic Rock sounded like someone hitting piece of paper, when I went back to my VT 100 was not as powerful or detailed but sounded more natural. Has anyone out there heard the AR Ref 75 with both 120 & 150 tubes and what was the discernible difference if any? Thanks allĀ