Dumb question HT bypass

I admit ignorance. How would one configure a HT bypass setup using an AVR and a preamp featuring HY bypass? 
Not that I would.
I would be enamored with a "HT for Dummies" explanation of this voodoo.

Showing 2 responses by soix

Just to state the semi obvious, you don’t actually need an HT bypass as any line or tape input on the stereo preamp will work.  The main benefit of this is that it opens up tons more stereo pre options.  The bad news is you need to manually adjust the volume and push a button to switch between stereo and HT rather than just push a button.  Oh the humanity!  Sorry if this just complicates things further,  but I couldn’t help myself trying to help. 
Ah, forgot you don’t have pre outs on your AVR. So, are you routing your stereo preamp line outs into your AVR?