Dumb question HT bypass

I admit ignorance. How would one configure a HT bypass setup using an AVR and a preamp featuring HY bypass? 
Not that I would.
I would be enamored with a "HT for Dummies" explanation of this voodoo.

Showing 3 responses by millercarbon

That does however explain his rejecting my perfectly good curb idea. Not complicated enough. 
Why scold maxwave?

He has an AVR. Have you ever heard an AVR? Okay so you know how crappy they sound. Now imagine your life listening to an AVR. You would be out of your mind. So of course he is snippy and angry all the time. You would be too.

PS- From the Schumann thread:
Sarcasm and Satire, in my opinion, are some of the highest forms of humor! 

The preferred method for HT bypass is to disconnect the AVR and leave it by the curb.