Duelund Tinned Copper Speaker Cables

Happy post Thanksgiving to all.

I recently read an intriguing comment on a rather old school product; Duelund Tinned Copper speaker cables.  I have used Luna tinned copper interconnects with good results in terms of tone and timbre.

I wonder if the Duelund speaker cables would also offer good tone and timbre and a sense of realism.  They seem rather simple in design and are devoid of some of the newer cable features ( ie insulation and complex geometries etc) but the reviews would suggest they excel nonetheless.

I wonder if anyone has any direct experience with them?

As always thanks for your insights.


Showing 2 responses by mdrone

So, how do these cables sound?

Are they truly mid-range centric with a more golden tone ( as suggested by some)?

Has anyone had the opportunity to do a comparison of the Duelund  cables and the Jupiter product?

Are there sonic differences?