Duelund cap break in time

I just made some changes to my single ended kt150 amplifier that I was pretty excited about, having had great success with similar mods to my preamp.

Unfortunately, when I set it all back up...it sounded worse. Not terrible, but worse.

It sounds extremely bass heavy. Overwhelming. Less detail, zero "sparkle". Dull.

I run this amp on my wideband driver - 500hz and up so that's extra confusing, it must be super bassy in the 500-1000 region I guess.

Now, I've only got about 6 hours on them so obviously there's a lot of break in needed, but every piece of equipment I've ever had (including cap changes)the initial impression was grainy, a bit harsh and shrill. This is the opposite, it's so smooth it's boring. So that's why I'm sorta baffled and feeling like I messed up, or messed something up in there, it's just far from what I would expect.

Is this level of dullness... reasonable? Happy to hear any thoughts on this, if it's entirely reasonable I'll just settle in and give it hours and try not to focus on it too much.


Changes made were:

Kle perfect harmony RCA jacks

Neotech silver gold hook up wire to RCA

Audio Note input coupling caps

Duelund cast pio hybrid coupling caps.


Focusing on the duelund because it's the biggest change but...


Showing 1 response by decooney

200hrs - my local tech friend use to say to me this with similar caps and parts changes; "get ready for the roller coaster ride", unquote. 

Then i did the same roller coaster ride four more times on different amps, and it was the same patience waiting game every time.  Best of Luck with patience.