Dueland CAST PIO

Hello I had a few questions regarding this cap and was wondering if any owners who have heard this cap first hand can help me out.

I am thinking about adding this as a CAP upgrade on the speakers I am trying to get. I have heard from owners on forums saying it made a significant difference to their speakers for the better, but when I contacted some other speaker manufacturers they tell me that just because you add the Dueland CAP does not necessarilly mean you will get better sound. They say withs ome speakers they might sound great, but with some other speakers, they might even make the sound quality lower.

My questions are.

1. Will the Dueland CAST PIO cap upgrade change the signature sound of the speaker as intended by the designer?
Or will it simply make everything sound a bit better not effecting the original sound?

2. How much did the Dueland CAST PIO improve your system?


Showing 6 responses by grannyring

Good question Charles. I assume one person's 10% is another person's 25%. Impossible to quantify and subjective reality.
They will indeed improve your speaker unless it is one of very low quality. What speaker are you talking about? I use these caps in all my projects and they always sound fantastic!

If your speaker is capable of revealing better gear in front of it etc....this cap upgrade will be a definite improvement. If your speaker is made by Sears as part of their MCS series of the 70's, then perhaps not :-)

Tell us more and we can help.......
The jump from the Mundorf SGO is huge my friend as I have done it. Nothing special about that SGO Mundorf cap to be very honest. It is good, but a $10 JFX FB Premium film cap is better. Ya, I have compared both!

I would start with the Duelund caps on the tweeter. The improvement will be more than 10 percent and on the order of a significant amp upgrade.

Yes, do replace the tweeter cap first and enjoy for a while.

I have tried many caps and the Duelund CAST are special.

Your speakers are very good and deserve the Duelund touch!
Well said. Just a relative statement is all. In every single piece of gear I have placed them, amps, preamps, dacs, speakers, the result was astounding in terms of improvement. That is Duelund caps. Wish I could afford the silver Duelunds!