Dual SVS PB-1000 Pro versus Dual Rythmik LV12F- does Servo Technology Matter.

I have a 10 by 12 room. The room is a closed off bedroom and we plan to live in this house for 30 years or so until we can’t live independently. Equipment will be upgraded over time but we will be using the same room forever. Our AVR is a Denon 3700 and our main speakers are Monitor Audio Silver S6 with matching center. Surrounds are Primus P162. Our previous sub was a BIC V1220.

While the subs will almost certainly work hardest for home theater I do want something that also works well for serious music listening. I primarily listen to classic rock but some jazz and classical does get into my mix now and then.

I am still mostly sold on the SVS but I wonder if the servo technology of the Rythmik might give me somewhat better performance for music.

I realize that dual of either one of these will be a huge jump in performance for us but I am wondering the Rythmik might have advantages for music while still being great for HT.

Other people on other forums have also suggested Outlaw and the Hsu VTF-2 Mk5.

Any thoughts on this, please?



Showing 3 responses by bladerunner6


Do you have any experience yourself with the Rythmik I am looking at?


I have thought about doing dual SB1000 Pros.  I would order a pair of each and see which ones we like best.  But that seems a bit exploitive of SVS’s return policy so I hesitate.
For the few people that posted useful information and comments, thank you.

However, I have learned various things from this post:

I will be more concrete in stating my budget when posting on Audiogon.  Just because you can spend $5000 or whatever on subwoofers doesn’t mean most people can.  The median US income is a bit over $60k a year.  After food, clothing, shelter, insurance, telecommunications expenses, heating, water, sewage, taxes, retirement savings etc most people can not  spend untold thousands on audio equipment.  My lovely wife and I make a fair amount above the median but we still have limits.  EVERYONE should keep in mind that different people have different budgets.

Also, if I ever ask a question again on Audiogon I will ask that people that believe in cables, power conditioning, the superiority of analog, etc to avoid posting.

You are wasting your time, you have no credibility.  I say this for both your and my sake.

There is no point to you posting something that I will ignore.  You not posting to my questions saves you time, so please understand this benefits you.

Again, I thank the few helpful posters.