I"d insert an active x-over in the loop. I use NHT, which is versatile, undetectable (to my ear) in the main path, and relatively inexpensive. This does put another component in the signal path, but (as noted) I find it benign and the seamless hand-off you achieve will be well worth your effort, IME and IMO.
If you really want to see what's possible in this type of set-up, slip an SVS/Audyssey or Velodyne room correcting sub equalizer between the active x-over and the Descents (it will EQ the subs only, and be out of the main path, entirely). I use the Velo SMS-1 (again, relatively inexpensive), but some swear by the SVS unit.
IMO, this was the single biggest audible improvement I have made to my system in the last 20 years.
As always, YMMV, but the SVS, Velo, and NHT units are sold direct with money back in-home terms. If you M does, in fact, V from mine, you can ship it all back at little to no cost.