DTS HD Decoding in Blu Ray players?

DTS HD Decoding in Blu Ray players?

Does such a player exist? Can the DTS HD decoding be done in the player then sent via HDMI for full 7.1 discrete DTS playback? What players are capable, there is SO much confusion right now on the market place.
Thanks fr the info Lush, it was very helpful. I suspect we will find more players capable of these formats soon, in the mean time, of the 22 Blu-ray and HD DVD's I have the cases for only 3 have DTS-HD, while most have Dolby Digital plus...... Is DTS going to be a rarity with these new formats as it has been with DVD? Only time will tell.
No Kenny,

They can be sent via HDMI as Multi channel PCM and work with existing 7.1 receivers that have HDMI 1.1 repeaters in them. The hard part is finding a player which has DTS HD MA decoded within it. I can only find an LG universal player which will decode via the analog, and provide 2 channel via HDMI.

DTS HD and the other multichannel audio formats can ONLY be transmitted from the player in the analog domain or via HDMI 1.3. To the best of my knowledge, no 1.3 compatible pre/pro or receivers ae out though they are rapidly on their way.

So to answer your question, yes, they can be done in the player, but would then be sent via analog outs, ideally they would go to be decoded by the pre/pro but HDMI seems to have a real jitter issue so we'll see how this all settles out.