DSD coming to Qobuz streaming?

It looks like DSD files will soon stream on Qobuz - this may take some of the wind out of the sails of HDTracks and MQA. Some DSD recordings are already available for download, such as this classic from Boston.

I checked with Qobuz directly and was told there will be "an official announcement soon."

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Showing 1 response by moonwatcher

Given the file sizes, I wonder if DSD CAN be streamed via the Internet effectively?  I mean, it can't be larger than 4K video can it? Then again many Americans and others worldwide don't have access to 300Mbps Internet either.  Maybe DSD downloads would be a better fit. And I wonder exactly what catalog of DSD music is out there given that very few studios use it as a recording medium? Classical maybe? I mean if something is recorded in 24bit/192Khz and you convert it to DSD you aren't really gaining anything. So unless the files are native DSD I don't see the point. And like others have said, you have to have a DAC that supports it. Many don't.