DSD coming to Qobuz streaming?

It looks like DSD files will soon stream on Qobuz - this may take some of the wind out of the sails of HDTracks and MQA. Some DSD recordings are already available for download, such as this classic from Boston.

I checked with Qobuz directly and was told there will be "an official announcement soon."

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Showing 1 response by mclinnguy

Well I just stumbled across something I haven’t seen before: a Qobuz album (via Roon or LMS squeezelite) where each track states "DSD Mastering". I am not saying it is better or worse, I don’t have a clue, but just pointing out it is the first time I have seen it. I have seen other descriptions in brackets, like "album version" or "digitally remastered" Maybe more will be processed this way? Maybe many have but they just didn’t specify that in the brackets? Maybe they are just adding this information to make some feel better? Unlike many albums I don’t see another version option for this one so can’t compare its sound quality to another.

They are 16/44 files, so someone will go and DSD remaster it but not convert it to a hi-res file? Sounds decent enough regardless. laugh

Tsuyoshi Yamamoto: Life album

Universal 0044007961728